SAP PY-ID How SAP deals with Over Payments (/561 and /563)

Over payments dealt with SAP can be complex to calculate and difficult to manage. The following document provides some useful tips and insights into how over payments can be dealt with, both in the Indonesia and in other country versions of SAP.

SAP is a retroactive accounting system, i.e. it will automatically re-calculate an employee’s pay if any pay data on their personnel file is changed retrospectively. This means that SAP automatically calculates and reclaims over payments unless there is a manual user intervention.

The way that SAP deals with an overpayment depends on the amount and timing of the overpayment.

If the net overpayment is small enough that it can be fully reclaimed through the employee’s normal wage, then SAP will automatically reclaim it. SAP will recalculate and refund an employee’s pension and tax contributions, providing the employee does not have an emergency tax code and the overpayment is being reclaimed in the same tax year.

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Bahasa Bencong Salon

Kemaren gw pangkas rambut di salon deket rumah. Yang gunting ..hi..hi, ternyata bencong. Postur sih tinggi guedhe, cuman jarinya lentik bok. Pertama sih oke-oke aja, sampe diantara mereka (ada bencong laennya plus 1 cewek), ngomong..”Eh bok..kok pangkas nya gicu-gicu amat seh, mentong dapet lekong bagong yah,,ati2 hlo, ntar jadi nepsong hlo..ntar cintong gak kesampean jadi sekong trus gag bisa mekong ntar metong hloo…”

Haik..ada apa nih..kok semuanya pada ketawa ketiwi cekikikan gag jelas ..dan cilaka 12 nya, gw gak ngerti bahasanya salon..hualah!!Dan sialnya bini gw, yg kebetulan ngerti bahasanya salon


(maklum jam terbang salon-nya tinggi..wakaka), juga ikutan ngakak byayakan…huwalah..mule saat itu, gw dah gag tenang tuh,panas dingin, meriang..bawaannya curiga terus ama bencong yg guntingin rambut gw, setelah pasang muka serem ala preman kampung…trus sambil mikirin bahasa salon sialan ini..ternyata bahasa gaulnya mereka cukup bisa dimengerti…. setelah berkonsentrasi selama 5,137359 menitan…kalimat mereka diatas bisa diterjemahkan sbb:

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Kiat-Kiat Mengunjungi Pameran Franchise

top_franchise11.jpgMengunjungi pameran franchise adalah salah satu pilihan yang tepat untuk mendapatkan informasi yang komprehensif dalam berburu peluang usaha waralaba. Poin plus mencari tipe usaha waralaba yang tepat melalui pameran franchise adalah calon investor dapat bertemu secara langsung dengan owner, key decision maker, ataupun pelaku aktif perwakilan franchisor. Waralaba yang sering disebut sebagai business marriage, setidaknya akan mengikat franchisor dan franchisee selama lima tahun, sehingga cukup penting untuk mengenal lebih jauh type of a person you’re going to do business with. Inilah kelebihan dari mengenal franchise melalui format promosi pameran.

Melalui pameran franchise, dalam waktu dan area yang bersamaan – venue pameran, pengunjung dapat melihat langsung kepribadian franchisor, dapat melihat produkp-produk dari tiap-tiap brand dan dapat melakukan studi perbandingan dengan competitor sejenis.

Disamping itu melalui pameran calon investor juga akan mendapatkan gambaran mengenai proyeksi brand yang dipilih, mulai dari prosedur aplikasi sampai pada factor financial. Selanjutnya, pengunjung dapat memperoleh bird’s eye view dalam memilih brand mana yang suitable untuk dijalankan atau justru blind as a bat, karena terlalu banyak tawaran menarik ditambah lagi dengan berbagai diskon, high pressure sales strategy dan berbagai poin-poin tambahan lainnya.

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SAP HR Utility Report

Some other SAP HR utility report which can be more useful for us are as below:

1. RPDKON00 (wage type assignment – GL/Account display


Use for the Posting to Accounting: Display Assignment of Wage Types to G/L Accounts report (RPDKON00), to display the assignment of wage types to G/L accounts. This assignment is not made directly, but is always made using a symbolic account and the employee grouping for the account determination.


You must assign wage types to G/L accounts in Payroll Customizing under Reporting for Posting Payroll Results to Accounting.

  • To assign symbolic accounts to the wage types, choose Activities in the HR System -> Maintain Wage Types -> Define Posting Characteristics of Wage Types. Here you can enter a processing type in order to assign posting characteristics of a wage type to the following business processes:
    • Posting payroll results to Accounting
    • Posting month end accruals
    • Sending personnel cost data to Cost Planning
  • To define the employee grouping for the account determination, choose Activities in the HR System -> Employee Grouping/Symbolic Accounts -> Define Employee Grouping .
  • To assign G/L accounts to the symbolic accounts based on the employee grouping for the account determination, choose Assign Accounts

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